Retina Clinic
• Screening and presentation to consultants of new patients: Friday 8am- 12nn
• Presentation to consultants of problematic cases: Monday 10am-12nn
• Follow-up of old patients: Wednesday 1-5pm
Glaucoma Clinic
• Screening and presentation to consultant of new patients: Friday 9am-12nn
• Presentation to consultant of problematic cases: Thursday 10am-12nn
• Follow-up of old patients: Thursday 8am-10am
Cornea and External Eye Diseases Clinic
• Presentation to consultants of new and problematic cases: Tuesday 8am-10am
• Follow-up of old patients: Tuesday 10am-12noon
Pediatric Ophthalmology/Motility Clinic
• Screening of new patients: Monday 1pm-5pm
• Presentation to consultant of new and problematic cases: Monday 10am-12nn
• Follow-up of old patients: Thursday 1-5pm
Neuro Ophthalmology Clinic
• Screening and presentation to consultant of new and problematic patients: Tuesday 2-5pm
• Follow-up of old patients: Tuesday 1-2pm
Orbit/Oculoplastics/Lacrimal Diseases Clinic
• Screening of new patients: Wednesday 8-10am
• Presentation to consultant of new and problematic cases: Monday 10am-12nn
• Follow-up of old patients: Wednesday 10-12noon
Trauma Clinic
• Presentation to consultants of new and problematic cases: Monday 10am-12nn, Tuesday 9am-12nn
1. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
2. Fluorescein Angiography (FA)
3. Fundus Photo
4. Perimetry
5. Pan Retinal Photocoagulation (PRP )
6. Biometry
7. B-scan
8. Automated Refraction
9. Laser (Yag/LI)
10. Slit Lamp Exam
11. IO